August in Komi is forecast to be slightly warmer than usual, the Komi Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring reports.
In August, the amount of precipitation is expected to be close to the average long-term values, in some areas by 30-40% more (the norm is 63-83 mm).
The average monthly air temperature in most of the territory is expected to be 1…2C higher than the climatic norm (the norm in the southern regions is 14…13C, in the northern regions 12…11C, in the extreme northeast -10C).
It is assumed that during the month, weather conditions over our regions will be determined by cyclones, and for a short time, by fields of high atmospheric pressure. The temperature background is expected to be close to the climatic norm and slightly elevated relative to it, but for a short time, most likely in the second five-day period of the month and below in the last one.
There is a high probability that until August 20, daytime temperatures will mainly increase to 19…24C, and only in the far north and northeast, when it gets cold, warming up is expected to be no higher than 17C.
In the final 10 days of August, on some nights, the temperature may already drop to frost. At the same time, daytime temperatures are expected to be around 20C, on some days, an increase to 25C is possible.
In forest areas, low fire danger will prevail in the first ten-day period. From the second ten-day period, high fire danger, class IV, and extreme fire danger, class V, according to the regional classification, are expected in some places.