The average temperature of November is expected to be close to the average. This forecast for the month is given by the Komi Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.
The norm is -11…-12C in the extreme northeast, -8…-10C in the northern and central regions, and -6…-7C in the south. The monthly precipitation will be 100-140% of the average long-term values. The norm is 42-58 mm. It is assumed that in the first half of the month, due to the predominant influence of cyclones, warm weather with frequent snowfalls of varying intensity and duration will prevail. In the main territory, at night, it is expected to be within -5…-12C, during the day — from -1C to -6C, with warming, which, according to preliminary calculations, will occur on the second weekend of November, during the day it is expected from 0C to +3C. The extreme north-eastern regions will be an exception, where by the middle of the month the frosts may get stronger to -20C and below.
In the second half of November, under the predominant influence of the area of high atmospheric pressure, there will be less precipitation, and the temperature background, especially in the northern and central regions, will be noticeably below normal. There, on some days, it is expected to be within the range of -15…-22C, at night -25…-32C.
On the rivers of the Komi Republic, ice formation will continue until mid-November.