In December, the monthly precipitation amount in most of the territory is forecasted to be within the normal range, in some places 1.5 times more. The average monthly air temperature is 2…3C higher than the climatic norm, the Komi Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring reports.
According to the climate, the average air temperature, compared to November, decreases by 4-5C and is within the range from -10C in the extreme southwest to -16C in the extreme northeast. The monthly precipitation amount is 33-51 mm.
It is forecast that for a significant period of December, weather conditions in the region will remain under the influence of cyclones. Cloudy weather with frequent precipitation will prevail.
The temperature background is expected to be elevated relative to the climatic norm and close to it.
And only at the beginning of the third ten-day period is there a high probability of a cold wave with a temperature background noticeably lower than the climatic norm. During this period, frosts are expected to increase to -15…-23C, in the northern regions, when the weather clears, it is possible to reach -25…-30C.
For most of the month, prevailing daytime air temperatures will be within the range of -4…-9C, prevailing nighttime temperatures will be within the range of -8…-15C.