Komi weather forecasters talk about the weather in October

In October, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be close to the average long-term values ​​(the norm is from 2.4 ° C in the extreme southwest to -3.1 ° C in the extreme northeast), the Komi Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring reports.

The monthly amount of precipitation is expected to be within the norm, in some places 1.5 times more (the norm is 54-74 mm).

The weather is expected to change from the first weekend of October. The stable period of anticyclonic weather with dry weather will end, and will be replaced by cyclones with cloudy and rainy weather. In the extreme northeast, in the second five-day period, with the transition of the average daily air temperature to negative values ​​and the establishment of snow cover, the beginning of a new winter season is expected.

In most of the territory, the change of seasons is most likely in the last five-day period of the month. Snow cover will also begin to form close to these dates.

The temperature background is forecast to be unstable, mostly close to the climatic norm, in some periods below. Due to the forecasted weather conditions on the rivers, the early appearance of primary ice forms (banks, slush) is not expected.

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